About Us

Individualized Care
Penn Therapy Associates is a physical therapist owned, private practice, dedicated to the rehabilitation of orthopedic and work-related injuries. We specialize in neck and back rehabilitation, but offer expert care in the treatment of all orthopedic-related injuries.
Physicians who work with us can expect:
- Prompt reporting on patient progress or sudden changes in patient's status.
- Careful tracking through all phases of treatment and rehabilitation.
- Timely written reports as the case progresses.
Regardless of the program, we place the highest value on rendering quality care to your patients. We listen to the needs of our patients and to the doctors who are treating them. We keep both patients and physicians aware of progress during every stage of treatment. And we follow through with written reports that document progress and healing.
Mobilization Means Results
Where appropriate, we combine exercise including stretching and aerobic conditioning with thermal agents, electric stimulation, joint mobilization and manual therapy. As patients improve, we rely more on active approaches to treatment. We use the most up-to-date, medically sound equipment in our exercise and therapy programs.